Thursday, February 14, 2013

*Happy Valentine's Day!*

"We love because He first loved us." 
1 John 4:19

 "Love never fails." 
1 Corinthians 13:8

Monday, February 11, 2013

It's Almost Here...

Spring has courageously begun to peek its head out of the wintery surroundings. Of course, knowing the South, it could snow tomorrow and send Spring running back below ground! In the event that such a thing happens, I wanted to preserve this glimpse of the beautiful Spring to come.


Pear Tree

Maple Tree


Aaah Spring!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Flee Market Treasures!

 I went to the Nashville Flee Market last Saturday with my mother to try and find some fun things. Never did I think I would find these treasures.
 This beautiful old camera was at one of the booths for $5... how could I resisted?!

**Vintage beauty**

Oh gracious! This next one I'm SUPER excited to share. At that same table they were selling accessories for $2... I kinda flipped out!
 This is a camera case from one of those awesome old cameras!
Wait till you see what I do with it!



(If only we still had camera cases like this!)

Guess what fits *perfectly* 
into it?

There's just enough room for a phone and small wallet!

I just had to share this with my photography/camera loving friends.

-a photographers dream! :)