Friday, April 4, 2014

Wishing For Spring!

This has been the most perplexing beginning to Spring I can remember. One minute beautifully warm weather the next it's snowing. I'm thinking maybe Spring needs some encouragement to hurry up and get here. So I put together a bunch of happy Spring and Summer photos... 

maybe it will give you a little encouragement too!

 From the ground up!

In the water!


"The Lord will guide you always... you will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose water never fails." -Isaiah 58:11

In the garden!


  It's incredible to me that this...

 turns into this!

In the trees!

Rescued a baby bird from our cat!
So sweet!

In the streets!

In the house!

On the porch!

Dear Spring,
Please come soon!

Susannah Flautt Photography
...and everyone in the South!